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4 way differentiated division worded problems

4 way differentiated division worded problems

4 sets of differentiated division worded problems used with Year 4. For the BA the questions only ask children to divide by 2, 5 and 10 For the A they have to divide 2 digits by 1 And for the HA 3 digits by 1 digit division The Blue group questions provided a real challenge asking children to divide 3 digits by 2 and some 4 digits by 2 Children can use their multiplication facts, bus stop division or short division methods to help them
Football themed addition and subtraction worded problems, 4 way differentiated with blank sheet

Football themed addition and subtraction worded problems, 4 way differentiated with blank sheet

4 way differentiated football themed addition and subtraction questions created for the Euro 2016 tournament but can easily be adapted or used as they are, especially as a good hook to get boys into maths Red worksheet 3 digit addition and subtraction questions Yellow worksheet 4 digit, some simple decimals Green worksheet 4 digit up to 5 digit addition and subtraction with some 1 decimal place questions Blue worksheet 3 and 4 digit, some 2 step problems to solve with some mixed operations and some decimal places Also includes a challenge/extension sheet for children to add their own numbers in to create their own worded problems